Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The Bushmeister rides again!

So, here we are. Let's recap. George W. Bush won the popular vote by 51% of nation's voters (58,878,564). By the way, that number represents about 27 % of the nation's eligible aged voters. He is entering the white house for a second term with a Republican controlled house 231-200 and Republican controlled Senate 53-44 and the majority of the states with a Republican Governor 28-21 (D.C. has no governor.) Chief Justice Rehnquist will be retiring next week due to complications of health and either Antonin Scalia or Clarence Thomas will be the new Chief Justice. There might be 3 more (76), Justice John Paul Stevens (80), and Justice Sandra Day O'Connor (70). Justices Ginsburg, O'Connor will all be retiring knowing that there will be a conservative successor. Then Bush will appoint and get confirmed at least 1 and possibly 4 new justices with A FULLY REPUBLICAN VESTED CONGRESS TO PASS EM THROUGH. Look for this guy to go first: Judge J. Michael Luttig . He is blisteringly Conservative!! Don't be surprised to see this guy either: Judge Emilio M. Garza . They might well put Sandra Day O'Conner as Chief justice and make this last guy the new justice and say: "Hey look, we are reaching out to Women and Minorities." Don't beleive it. Sandra Day O'Connor would rather rot in hell than see a woman make equal money or have a choice about her body. She simply thinks that 'men are better equipped for life altering decisions.' She literally said that at a Johns Hopkins law school conference. Wow!
So, the world looks at us and will extrapolate that the American 'people' agree with Bush and therefore, America is bad. 27% of the nation, a little over 1/4th has made the decision for the rest of us. Now, I will concede it would have been the same way if Kerry won. Even less. And that leads me to the vote. The non-voters let us down. Plain and simply. There were about 25 million people who registered and swore this was the most important election of our lifetime, and then couldn't be bothered to vote. I will spare the rant here, because I know it's complicated. The facts are: Ages 18-29- 17% of them voted in 2000 and 17% of them voted in 2004, no change. Ages 30-45- 32% in 2000 and 27% in 2004. That number went WAY DOWN. Actually the 65+ yr olds increased by 12%. That is HUGE. So, the old people find the time and energy to get their vote in. Thank you. Security moms, White married women, beat out men and elected a president that will restrict their daughters rights, fight hard to limit their parity in income. The higher the income the higher the vote percentage, with 150k + getting 63-67% out there. WOW!
So, we now have a choice. Do we forget this happened and go back to staus quo and let the conservative streamroller plow through? Probably. Why, because we don't care or understand or just simply can't be bothered. I and many others have said this election will be different and here is why. Most years the agenda takes a while to get through. Most years the ideology is tempered by some sort of a check and balance. That will no longer happen. Let me tease you a bit here.

Because of the makeup of the Legislative and the Judicial and the Executive branch, even if everyone in America as citizens signed a petition to remove President Bush, it would not happen. It would be overturned and vetoed. Also, think about this: With that much of a majority, any constitutional amendment (gay rights, Roe V. Wade, God as the official uniter of the U.S., on going war) couldn't be stricken from the constitution without 2/3rd of the states opposing. Did you see the electoral map? That will not happen in perhaps the next 15 years.
4 billion dollars spent on this election (presidential only) at the very least. 4 BILLION! And guess what, only one (1) state changed the way it voted... New Hampshire! 4 BILLION and none of us know what the plans either candidate had or now has. Not platitudes, real plans. Actionable items. NONE. I will be writing about what that 4 BILION could have done FOR America soon.

So, what does W. walk into? Rising Gas pricies, with dwindling reserves. A World opposed to his beliefs and now Muslims everywhere think that God's Crusader has been annointed. I'm with you Brothers! That scares the fuck out of me too. Guess what though, that is what breeds terrorism. That and poverty. If we oppose by religious right, we will be forever be opposed. The children will be taught about their never ending duty to Jihad. Who's next- Iran? Makes sense, we have 150,000 men and women right next door. How about those much balleyhooed elections in IRAQ? Well, the Sunnis are going to win, declare a theocracy and their first order of business will be to order us to leave. Then What? That is some heavy duty policy-making decisions to deal with right there. How about Russia? Failing oil company, deals with Saddam. How about the Sudan. Guess what? This "Born Again Christian" president does not believe that 350,000 murders and countless rapes are in fact genocide and has refused to get involved directly. He does not agree that "Thou Shalt Not Kill.."... unless you define that as abortion. Let's hope Jenna doesn't get pregnant right? He was the presiding governor over the highest period of Executions in Texas' history. Sorry folks, this christian president is anything but. He is obsessed with money, as the religious right is.... Most Christians would agree with the passage... "First on Earth , Last in Heaven." Naw skip that part. We have bigger issues. "Blessed are the peacemakers?" shit!

So, will there be a revolution? Has this administration lied and will people hold them accountable. Or are we stuck? Will we joust roll over and take it. I'm waiting, I'll let you know soon.