Friday, December 17, 2004

So Thankful

Tonight I will be enjoying dinner with my team from "the office." I look forward to this time of year where people have dinners for no reason whatsoever. That, to me, is the true spirit of Christmas. It not whether or not the word God is used in celebrations. It's not the presents (I always feel sheepish about them anyway.) It's not about fruitcake, or Santa Sweatshirts. No, to me, it is that I do not have to make an excuse to party with the ones I love and like. Why isn't that good enough? This is the time of year to reflect, look forward and most of all: Be Thankful.

Here is what I am thankful for:
My wonderul woman Sara and her light and love.
My wonderful Mother who never ceases to amaze me.
My closest friends and the joy they bring me.
My family, Dad, Brother, Neices, Nephews being healthy and Safe.
My cousin having his first child with his fantastic wife.
My uncle Darv. I hope to spend more time with him soon.
My job and the great people I work with.
My dreams and freedoms.
All of the things in this world which force me to think and feel.

Usually, I am too busy playing at this time to spend time with family, or to buy presents, or to participate in the fun of the Holidays. This year has been about me really connecting with myself while sharing and building a beautiful life with my lovely girl. That has been great. Next year, I will spend more time giving than getting. It is time. It is the season of creation and sharing.
Can't wait, but enjoying every minute of right now. I hope you are too.