Friday, December 10, 2004

This Country is Totally Screwed.

There is no ambiguity in the title that I am aware of. Let me qualify this statement.

Here's what happened this week:

Military men and women complained directly to the Secretary of Defense, asking why they still do not have the best armor, working and safe humvees, and in general, the tools they need to prosecute a war effectively. Rumsfeld replied: "You go to war with the Army you have." Really?
I wonder if we could have diverted just a smidgen of the 100 billion from the dreamy missle defense system? Probably. The Reality: The military cares about the soldiers in the way slave owners cared for black people. We will feed and house them just enough to do the work we can't/won't do. We will venerate them so that our cause is accepted. But, if we need to spend too much money to make them safe, we simply don't need to. They volunteered, many of them should die. Because when they get back they will be jobless and a snag on the VA; and that would be bad for the Bush economy. So, just don't think otherwise.

Scott Peterson is in the penalty phase (which most likely will be death) of a highly publicized murder in Redwood City, CA. Now, I do not know whether he killed her or not, but here is what we know. There was no proof of a murder ( a dead women and developing child yes), no murder weapon found, no witnessess, no crime scene, no signs of a struggle, no proof of his involvement. He is not a stand up guy obviously. However, bearing all that I just wrote in mind, a jury of his peers, minus and plus one or two changed jurors, found him GUILTY BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT OF 1ST DEGREE MURDER. Sorry, folks, the system did not work again.
Reality: The Court System is broken. Even if you hate somebody you cannot enter a guilty verdict on Murder without proof. How in the world was it decided beyond a reasonable doubt? Could she not have committed suicide? How many mothers and expectant mother have we seen in the last few years that are willing to slash or drown their own children? The point here is you have to have proof. Sorry, it sucks if you do not, but you have to so that the system works.

Lastly, in all that I just wrote, I am harsh of the institutions. Legal System, Bush, Pentagon, Army etc. That's okay, the 1st amendment is safe in America and Journailsts are the citizen watchdogs with access to tell the truth right? Nope. There are currently two journalists in contempt of court orders to disclose their contacts and sources. There are no less than 5 other journalists involved in grand jury hearings being threatened with jail and fines in the millions for not telling the court who they have spoken to. That is what this is about. They will not say who they know or don't . The actual investigation and cases are a bit complicated, but that is not point. They are under the gun for refusing to say to whom they spoke and about what. Simple as that. They have not engaged in illegal activity. They have no broken any law other than they will not speak about certain people and conversations they promised to keep private.

This is America folks. The list goes on. The travesty continues. Stay tuned for the Ohio recount.