Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Think you had a bad week?

A Breckenridge man, who builds custom homes, was suffering from headaches and dizziness after an accident with a nail gun on a job site. He thought the nail gun had malfunctioned and popped him in the mouth.
"The nail gun had recoiled, and it must have recoiled at a high turbulence, flipped 180 degrees and somehow shot or angled the nail through the front of my lip," Lawler said. "For six days we were icing it and taking Advil, thinking I got hit real hard, like a punch."

Well, kinda. After going to the dentist and getting x-rays for a supposed toothache, his wife called him with the news: "There's a nail inside your brain." The 3 1/4-inch nail entered through his upper right lip lodgingjust inside the front part of his brain. It missed his right eye by millimeters. Here's the rub, this was SIX days later. He had been walking around with a nail lodged in his head for six days.

Maybe I have brain freeze, but I haven't had any Kwik-e-Mart Squishys. Hmmmm.
What the hell is that ringing noise?
Please turn off the microwave, my teeth are rattling.
Honey, everything I eat tastes a little like metal.

Doctors at a local Littleton hospital thankfully and dumbfoundedly have experience with this. Believe it or not, this is not the first time a man has unknowingly had a nail lodged in his head and come in for treatment. "This is the second one we've seen in this hospital where the person was injured by the nail gun and didn't actually realize the nail had been imbedded in their skull," said Dr. Sean Markey. "But it's a pretty rare injury."

A team of surgeons performed brain surgery and were able to take the nail out without brain damage or loss of sight. A difficult task indeed, of course maybe that wouldn't have mattered that much concerning this guy.

After recovery, Patrick Lawler commented on his ordeal: "It definitely makes one think about a profession change, you know? I don't know. I might use a smaller (nail) gun.
"Or maybe I'll stick to hammers."

Patrick, you can have mine man!

Are you a Terrorist?

A confidential seven-page threat assessment issued last week by the departments of Defense, Homeland Security and Justice said, "There is no credible information indicating that domestic or international terrorist groups are targeting the inauguration." But the assessment added that al Qaeda could make "a strategic decision to show that it has the ability to disrupt the American democratic process," according to a copy obtained by The Washington Post.

Read that statement again. Notice that the assessment includes Domestic Terrorists. Notice that it invokes the dreaded name of al Qaeda and the caviat "they could make a strategic decision to disrupt." Boogey Boogey scary scary. What the hell is the matter with this country?
Can you not see the propoganda in this? Unfortunately they messed up and now admitting that they are target domestic persons and groups. What does targeting mean? How about someone turning their back on the president as his motorcade drives by? Notice that these people are being investigated in the same way that al Qaeda is.

Now do you understand what the Patriot Act means?

If you were to protest this election, this inauguration, you would be labelled as someone trying to disrupt our democracy.
Are you a terrorist?
Are they?
Are we?